Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Southern Pride 4-H Club

The Southern Pride 4-H Club decorated a float and participated in the annual Three Springs Fireman Parade May 27, 2010. The club decorated a float with the 4-H symbols of Head, Hands, Heart and Health along with a banner hanging above it that say "The Power of Youth". The members threw bouncy balls to the crowd as the float drove by. A special thanks to Angie Parsons for painting the 4-H signs and Carrie and Katie Anderson for making the banner. Pictured are back row: Dane Woodward, Amanda Granlun, Curtis Starr, Cam Woodward, Mason Park, Mykeshia Goshorn, Michaela Gartland, Hannah Parsons, Malachi Kauffman, DeShae Goshorn, Brandon Beam, Keith Anderson, Derrick Cramer.

Seated Row: Chance Goshorn, Kolton Gaff, Alkson Parsons, Rebecca Parsons, Gracie Long, Paige Parsons, Garret Cramer, Hanna Booher.
Front Row: Scotty Goshorn, Kaley Booher, Liz Scott, Lily Yohn, Isacc Kauffman, Jocelyn Whitsel, and Raven Booher. Also, participating the parade float but not available for the picture was McKenzie Yohn and Katie Anderson.

Submitted by Mykeshia Goshorn, Club Reporter