Monday, May 17, 2010

Shirley Variety Pak

On April 6, 2010, Valerie Coleman called the meeting to order. Kody Harshbarger led us in the American Pledge. The 4-H pledge was stared by SHayla Benson. In new business, May 1st is tag day for dairy beef, goat, pig and rabbit. We made baskets at the Shirley Home for our community service projects. Residents and the club enjoyed it very much. Everyone had a wonderful time. For our annual picnic, we are thinking of about either skating or tubing. Our new fundraiser will be for the Side Street Cafe selling ham and cheese hoagies and subs. We also may have a raffle. We are promotion 4-H at the Bean Soup Festival in McClure in September. Open youth and dairy entry forms need to be filled out and sent in with a copy of registration paper. Where will these papers be? In the back of the catalog the 4-H members will be receiving. The meeting was adjourned by Kendra Semple and Valerie Coleman seconded the motion.

Submitted by: Danielle Varner