Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mini Whinnies 4-H Club

The Mini Whinnies held their monthly meeting on Sunday, February 21 at the Extension Office. Officers for the club were elected as follows:

Emily Peters - President
Carly Rudy - Vice President and news reporter
Heather Rearick - Secretay & Scrapbook
Hanna Spicer - Treasurer

Cllub members chose what kind of project kit they wanted to make for their model horses and started making them. All first year members are to make a bridle or alter. As members reached certain points in their projects, they took a break and Leader Chris Armagost reviewed discipline, color, breed of the models on display. Another box of candy bars were given out to any member who wished to sell more.

Next meeting will be held on Sunday, March 21st from 2 - 4 p.m. in the Extension Office Meeting Room.

Submitted by Carly Rudy