Monday, June 27, 2011

Trough Creek Community Adventurers 4-H Club

The Trough Creek Community Adventurers 4-H Club held a meeting at the United Methodist Church in Cassville on Monday, June 13, 2011. The meeting was called to order by club president Cora Waite. Guest speaker and club member Samantha Bliss, 2011 Dairy Princess gave a demonstration on the nutrients in milk. The Diary Princess also demonstrated how to make homemade ice cream using milk, two zip lock bags, vanilla, salt and ice. Each club member was able to make a single serving of ice cream by shaking their own bags.
A report was given by club county council representatives Abbey Cresswell and Brooke Shee. Club members attending 4-H camp in June held a ham and cheese sandwich sale in May. Nine club members also held a car wash in Cassville on Saturday, June 4, 2011 with the profit helping with camp costs. 4-H camp is scheduled for June 20-23, 2011 at Camp Kanesatake. Camp forms and rules were discussed with club members. Alpaca club members gave a report on the May 14th meeting held at the Terrace Mountain Alpaca Farm.
Upcoming deadlines for the 2011 Huntingdon County Fair were discussed with club members. July 1st is the deadline for livestock stall space reservations and also the deadline for livestock sponsorship forms. It is time to start thinking about fair livestock buyers and to be working on your buyer letters. Club members who are registered for the showmanship clinic to be held on Saturday, June 25 will need to be at the fairgrounds by 8:45 am.
A project education day will be held on Sunday, June 26 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm at TK Custom Ceramics. Any club member who needs a ride should meet at the United Methodist Church in Cassville at 1:45 pm that day. Members will need to bring $5.00 to $10.00 dollars for ceramic project. A rabbit clinic will be held on Saturday, July 9 at the Huntingdon County Fairgrounds starting at 11:00 am. Members, wishing to attend, need to bring a covered dish for a buffet lunch and one showmanship rabbit to participate in the clinic. July 9th is also 4-H night at the Altoona Curve. Forms were handed out for families to order tickets for this event. A showmanship clinic will be held at Scott and Carol Wright’s home in Cassville on Monday, July 11th to start at 6:00 pm. The next Alpaca Club meeting is scheduled for Saturday, July 16 at the Terrace Mountain Alpaca Farm at 11 am.
The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, July 17, this will be our clubs summer picnic at the home of Dale and Cindy Morgan’s starting at 1:00 pm. Club members should bring their family, a covered dish, lawn chairs, and supplies to build bottle rockets.

Submitted by: Bruin Waite