Friday, November 19, 2010
Trough Creek Community Adventurers 4-H Club
Trough Creek Community Adventurers 4-H Club
TCCA 4-H Club members and completed fleece throws. Pictured in above photo: Top Row L-R: Kelsey Morgan, Kayla Morgan, Abbey Cresswell, Natalee Buckley, and Aryan Oakman. Bottom Row L-R: Evin Germaux, Elizabeth Oakman, and Cora Waite.
The Trough Creek Community Adventurers 4-H Club held a meeting at the United Methodist Church in Cassville on Monday, November 8, 2010. The meeting started with the reopening of officer nominations, followed by the election of the 2011 TCCA 4-H Club Officers. The elections results are as follows: President – Cora Waite, Vice President – Jessica Heeter, Secretary – Abbey Cresswell, Treasurer – Kayla Morgan, Historian – Natalee Buckley, Recreational Leaders – Tommy Zinobile and Katrina Bliss.
A report on the 4-H awards banquet was given for members who were unable to attend. Awards and project books were also returned to members. Shelly Waite spoke with the members regarding the 2011 4-H online e-data registration. A pizza party in January will be given if all club members complete the online registration by January 1, 2011. Tag day for the 2011 market steer projects is set for Saturday, November 20, 2010 from 8:00-11:00 am at the Huntingdon County Fair Grounds.
The clubs Christmas wreath fund raiser is in progress. Delivery is scheduled for Saturday, December 4, 2010. A committee for the clubs 2011 calendar of events was discussed and formed of the 2011 officers and several leaders. A meeting for the committee will be held before the end of the year.
Members got together on Sunday, November 14, 2010 to work on community service projects. Members donated fleece material and made throws to be given out over the Holidays. Any member wishing to donate material or completed throws can still do so at the December meeting. Members also wrote letters of thanks to military service men and women to be distributed over the Holidays.
A club Christmas party is schedule for Monday, December 13, 2010 at the United Methodist Church, starting at 6:30 pm. Members are asked to bring Christmas cookies and Christmas card for the evening activities. Family members are welcome to stay and participate.
Submitted by Bruin Waite