The Southern Pride 4H club gathered for their annual banquet on October 17, 2010 at the Saltillo Community Building.
Carrie Anderson opened with a welcome to everyone and announcements. The group was then lead in the pledges and prayer followed by a covered dish meal. The Shannon Cramer family donated roasted pork.
Award presentations were made. All 45 members of the club received certificates of participation. Some other awards given included Parent of the year (Angela Parsons), Outstanding Volunteer (Jessica Whitsel), 35 years of service (John Goshorn), Friend of 4H (Linda Miller of Precious Petals & gifts), and The 4H Golden Award (Katie Anderson).
Outstanding 4H awards were presented for Little Clover Girl (Jocelynn Whitsel), Little Clover Boy (Scotty Goshorn), Junior Girl (Elizabeth Scott), Junior Boy (Derrick Cramer), Senior Girl (Amanda Fisher), Outstanding Girl (Kalee Anderson), and Outstanding Boy (Dane Woodward).
The evening concluded with a slide show presentation of the club's accomplishments over the past year by Jessica Whitsel.
Submitted by Gracie Long, News Reporter