Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Southern Pride 4-H Club
The Southern Pride 4-H Club held their regular scheduled meeting October 5th, 2010 at the Out Reach Center in Orbisonia. President Libby Sarra called the meeting to order, Secretary Liz Scott took roll call and Treasure Keith Anderson gave a treasures report. Volunteer Jessica Whitsel updated the club on the edata enrollment and gave the deadline dates for completion. Game leader, Derrick Cramer handed out prizes and awards from the camping and fishing trip that was held in September. Leader Carrie Anderson gave updates from the September Livestock meeting and reminded members of the tag date set for November 20th for the Market Steer projects. Annual Fall Club banquet will be held October 17th and members were reminded to invite sponsors and livestock buyers along with grandparents and other family and friends. The club finalized plans for a Ham Sandwich sale and fundraiser. Leaders Lori and Shannon Cramer will be in charge of this fundraiser. Plans were discussed to participate in the Mount Union Halloween Parade. All members wanting to participate need to meet behind the Mt. Union High School between 5:30 – 6:00 to decorate the float. Leaders Shannon Cramer and Wayne Anderson will be in charge of parade details. Sign up sheets were available for 2011 snack, pledges, Share-a-Project and Leader/volunteers. Community Service Project is being planned for the December meeting. The club will be making up small gift bags for the Veterans Hospital to be delivered for the Christmas Season. Nominations and election of officers was held for the 2011 year. Leader Carrie Anderson reminded club of the super Saturday training for all Leaders, and new elected officer training. The annual County Banquet is scheduled for November 6th; please send in RSVP if planning on attending. Snack was provided by Jocelynn Whitsel. The next meeting will be held 4:30 on November 2nd at St. Mary’s Catholic Hall to make the ham sandwiches. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45p.m.