Monday, October 18, 2010

Southern Pride 4-H Club Celebrates National 4-H Week

Southern Pride 4-H Club Members: Brandon Beam, Kalee Anderson, Katie Anderson, Camden Woodward, Elizabeth Scott and Keith Anderson.

The Southern Pride 4-H club was excited to share and celebrate National 4-H week October 3rd -9th. Several of the club members visited all four of the Elementary Schools in Southern Huntingdon County on Friday October the 8th. The reason for their visit was to share the meaning of the 4-H program and also to educate the grade school students about what 4-H is. At each grade school Leader Carrie Anderson spoke to students about National 4-H week and how children and youth ages 8-18 can get involved. Carrie stressed the importance of finding the right club to join by selecting a project and then finding a club close to their home. Huntingdon County has a wide variety of clubs offering several projects from Livestock, to gardening, to small crafts. Parent Volunteer Jessica Whitsel prepared a mini slide show for students to view while members explained and talked about projects and skills learned. The slide show had pictures of Community Service project (adopt-a-highway), Community awareness (parades) and pictures of several members with their club projects at the fair. Member Kalee Anderson spoke to students about the 4 leaf clover with the four H’s meaning Head, Hands, Heart, and Health. Kalee also talked about the club pledge and its meaning, of being involved with our community and youth. Members Elizabeth Scott and Camden Woodward spoke to students about leading meetings and being an officer of the club. They explained their duties as officers and that the club is run and decisions are made by the members/youth. Member Brandon Beam explained and talked about his Dairy Beef project. He talked to the students about what he needed to care for his livestock project and how he got involved at the Fairground with cleaning the barns and getting involved with community projects. Members Katie and Keith Anderson showed students some other options for projects other than livestock. Katie talked about her sewing projects and the club Motto, “To make the Best Better”. Keith Anderson showed the students his ceramic projects. Keith also talked about his sheep project and how he can use the wool for a non-livestock project in making wool items and crafts. Kalee Anderson also shared her floral arrangement project and explained different options for that project. At each of the four Grade schools Elementary students that are members of the Southern Pride 4-H Club had the opportunity to share their 4-H experience and projects. From Spring Farms School the following members shared projects, Hanna Booher – flowers; Brooks Walker and Mckenzie Yohn – Rabbits; Kolton Gaff – Sports Fishing and Mikara Anderson – Vet Science and Public Speaking. Trough Creek – Joce Whitsel – Computer Science, Forestry, Family Strengths and Rabbits; Raven Booher – Goats and new member Sarah Morris will be doing sewing projects. Rockhill – Chance and Scotty Goshorn shared about Swine and Dairy Cows. Shade Gap - Rebecca Parsons – shared what equipment you would see at the fair to get a Dairy cow ready for show ; Shavonna Fegan – Sheep and her experiences the past year as a member and new member Paige Parsons will be doing Dairy and Rabbits. If you are interesting in the 4-H program and want to learn more about 4-H opportunities please contact the Extension Office at 643-1660.