Kody Harshburger led us in the 4H pledge. The American pledge was led by Tim Yoder. Valerie Coleman called the meeting to order and Gavi Walker seconded it. This month we had a picnic at the Yoders'. We had great food and it was an enjoyable day for all. Kendra Semple did the treasurer's report and there was no secretary's report. Gavi motioned to accept the treasurer's report and the secretary's report and Shayla Benson seconded the motion. In old business, the bean soup is September 15 and we are doing the activities there and representing 4H. We have moved our apple dumplings fundraiser to September. Fair cleanup is July 31 at 9 A.M. Moving on to new business, the vote was passed to buy beanie babies for buyers for this year only. We discussed what colors of t-shirts to buy but decided not make a decision until we know more about the costs. We also discussed starting a livestock judging team. Everyone in our group has until September's meeting to decide. Michael Yoder motioned to adjourn the meeting. I, Danielle Varner, seconded the motion.