Friday, July 23, 2010

The Trough Creek Community Adventurers 4-H Club

Top Row (L-R) Hillaire Harkleroad, Brooke Shee, Kelsey Morgan, Abbey Cresswell,
Kayla Morgan, Jessica Heeter, Natalee Buckley, Kaitlyn Boone
Middle Row (L-R) Macie Hicks, Jaymee Heeter, Bruin Waite, Devin Harkleroad,
Katrina Bliss, Madeline Suba
Bottom Row (L-R) Magnus Waite, Kane Waite, Rylan Boone

The Trough Creek Community Adventurers 4-H Club held a meeting at the Huntingdon County Fair grounds on June 14, 2010. Brian Wiekert gave a goat showmanship and fitting presentation, followed by a regular business meeting.Club members where notified of the upcoming showmanship clinic that was held on June 26, at the Huntingdon County Fairgrounds. Members attending 4-H Camp where reminded of items to pack and of items that should remain at home. Additional e-data information needs added to the 4-H online enrollment program. Members in attendance received forms that indicate information that is missing from their profile. All needed information should be updated as soon as possible.

Huntingdon County Fair deadlines where discussed, livestock registration being July 2 and exhibitor registration July 9. The 2010 fair theme for shoebox floats and straw bale decorating is "The best days of winter". The livestock fairground cleanup day is scheduled for Saturday, July 31 from 9 am till 12 noon. Any member showing livestock should plan to attend. Club vet rounds was held on June 23. A halloween float committee was formed of the following club members: Jessica Heeter, Kaitlyn Boone, Abbey Cresswell, Rylan Boone, Hilliare Harkleroad, and Jaymee Heeter. Those on the committee will report sujested theme ideas at the July meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 12 at 6:30 pm to be held at the United Methodist Church in Cassville.
Submitted by: Cora Waite