The Spring Farms 4-H Livestocks Clubs monthly meeting was held on July 13,2010 at the home of Mike and Pam Morgans. Christian Appleby led the 4-H pledge and Maelee Spargo led the American pledge. Our leader Pam Morgan asked who is going to Delgrosso Park on July 18, 2010. She passed out information about what is happening at the Fair and passed out sponsorship forms.Our leader ask if the veterinarian came around to check your animals. Ones that are showing animals need to help on Fair clean up day on July 31,2010 at 9:00 a.m.Working in food booth on Thursday of the fair the time is 3-7 p.m.Gage Parks made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Micheal Morgan seconded the motion . We had a picnic at Pam and Mike Morgan place . Next meeting refreshments will be brought by John and David Edgin .
Submitted by Brandon Erwin