Monday, July 19, 2010
Southern Pride 4-H Club
The Southern Pride 4-h club held the regular monthly meeting on July 6Th, 2010 at the Community State bank of Orbisonia. Derrick Cramer called the meeting to order. Malachi Kauffman lead the American pledge and Katie Anderson lead the 4-h pledge. Liz Scott took roll call and read the secretary's report. Keith Anderson read the treasurers report. Motions to approve these reports were made by Keith and Katie Anderson. Under old business: June meeting was held at the Anderson's and went well. Thank-you to Macy and Amanda Fisher and Megan Notestine for doing a showmanship presentation for the club during the June meeting. July 1st was the deadline for the livestock entry forms July 9Th for Johnson Hall. Under new business: Big Congrats to out 4-h campers for going Raven Booher and Jocelyn Whitsel. Vet checks are going to be July 10Th, 2010 Dr Judith Jaxtheimer will be going to members homes, please have paperwork and animals prepared for the check. Sign-up sheets for vet checks; fair stall signs; and food booth were brought to attention. E-Data enrollment see Jessica Whitsel for all updates and necessary changes. Discussion on livestock meeting report; weigh times, all members are to have all livestock weighed in no later than 6:00p.m. and cleaning stalls leader Carrie Anderson reminded members to have stalls cleaned before leaving the fairground. Katie and Keith Anderson;Masons Parks;Scott and Chance Goshorn; Lily and McKenzie Yohn; Madison and Brooks Walker; Shavonna Fegan and Taylor Maslanik all attended the showmanship clinic on June 26 The clinic was very informative and helpful. All members that attended learned alot and enjoyed the day. All members needed Ethics training see Carrie Anderson after the meeting for training dates. There will be a Rabbit Showmanship training and learning time at Angie Parsons this month, that date will be announced soon. July 31st 9:00-12:00 will be fair clean up day. Derrick Cramer then adjourned the meeting. Motions to adjourn meeting were made by Keith Anderson and Scott Goshorn. Snack was provided by the Sarra and Starr families. The next monthly meeting will be August 3rd at the Huntingdon County Fair grounds.