Friday, July 1, 2011

Huntingdon County 4-H Beef Club

On June 15, 2011 the 4-H Beef Club held their monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. The American Pledge was led by Jordan Harnish and the 4-H Pledge was led by Austin Harnish. There were no secretary or treasurer's reports given. On June 25th there will be a showmanship clinic. You must register by June 23rd in order to attend. Under New Business, the fair packets are due on July 1st. Members of the club should be looking for sponsors. The next meeting will be on July 20 2011 in the show ring at the Huntingdon County Fairgrounds at 6 p.m. John Nichols wil be presenting how to correctly clip your animals. You are to bring a covered dish with food. The club then had the Quality Assurance and Good Production Practices 1-3 so all members can show. The meeting was then adjourned by Austin Harnish and seconded by Brooke Emery.

Submitted by William Emery, News reporter