Monday, May 9, 2011

Southern Pride 4-H Club

On April 5th, 2011 the Southern Pride 4-H club held their
regular scheduled meeting.The meeting was held at the
Rockhill/Orbisonia Firehall.The meeting was called to
order by President Katie Anderson. Pledges were led by
Mikara Anderson and Raven Booher. Roll call was taken and
the secretary’s report was read by Hanna Booher. We had a
special guest, Wes Planthaver, he talked to us about
rabbit projects and good sportsmanship. Under old business
the club went on a sheep tour to K-Bar-K which was March
5th at Petersburg. Sign-up sheets for Fire Hall volunteer
workers, t-shirt, show shirts, sweatshirts, new members,
project books, and greeters were available.
Adopt-A-Highway was scheduled March 26th. After they were
finished they went to the Shade Gap Mini-Mart, special
thanks to Shannon and Lori Cramer for treating the members
to ice-cream. Also a thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Seagrist for a
special donation of $20.00. Under new business Relay For
Life, only 3 people signed up, anymore for a team?
Scrapbook Project will be held April 12th at 6:30 at Sarah
Book Photography. Ceramics will be held April 18th at
6:00-7:00 P.M.The dairy farm tour will be held April 16th
we will be taking a tour through Fulton Co. meeting at
Shade Gap at 10:00 A.M.You must attend 5 meetings to be
able to show livestock in the County Fair. Mikara Anderson
showed her flower arrangment of the best days of winter.
Then we broke into groups for livestock and crafts. Orion
Sarra provied a game and the snacks were donated by the
Booher and Yohn families.The meeting was adjourned by
President Katie Anderson. Our next meeting will be held on
May 3rd at the Firehall in Orbisonia.
Respectfully Submitted,
Secretary, Hanna Booher