Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pork Pizzazz 4-H Club

On March 23, 2011 the Pork Pizzazz 4-H Club hed their 1st meeting of the year. The American Pledge was led by Chely Miller and the 4-H Pledge was led by Halee Smith. We discussed strawberry fundraisers. They are $11.00 a bundle at the Extension Office. Ham and Cheese pick up will be March 30th. We also discussed three different pig sales: Dice, Centre County and Bards. The club decided on buying a different color show shirt. The club chose the color light blue. We elected officers: President Kelsey Dysard; Vice President Austin Harnish; Secretary/Treasurer Chely Miller and News Reporters William and Brooke Emery. Meeting was adjourned by Austin Harnish and seconded by Chely Miller. The next meeting will be April 27th at 7 p.m. at the Extension Office.

Photo: (Left to Right)

1st row: Brooke Emery, William Emery - co- news reporters

2nd row: Kelsey Dysard,President; Austin Harnish Vice President; and Chely Miller Secretary/Treasurer.

Respectfully submitted by:

Brooke and William Emery